Legends & Legacies
   Reconnecting Generations: Past, Present and Future


Before Our First Class

Thanks for signing up for Legends & Legacies, our four-week journey to connect the dots in your family and encourage and equip you to continue to journey on your own in the years ahead.

As soon as you can, please complete as much of the 5-generation chart as you know, beginning with the first person in the line you want to trace. 

If you aren’t tracing both your mom’s and your dad’s line, then start with the person in the line you want to trace, e.g. just your mom, just your dad, or another relative.

This form can be printed and filled out by hand, or on your computer. Email or mail it back to me as soon as you can.  Taking a picture of it with an i-phone works fine.  Send it to 601-618-3972.  

Provide as many birth and death dates and locations as possible, as this information will greatly improve our early success. 

Getting this early tree work done will allow you to focus on other important activities and ancestry challenges.  

I am really honored to be able to help you own this important family journey. My previous classes all have indicated this is a live-changing adventure.  See Testimonies.

Michael Logue Web Design